sofa_vml.lis 2001 March 2 -------------------------- SOFA Vector/Matrix Library -------------------------- PREFACE The routines described here are the first release of the SOFA vector/ matrix library. Their general appearance and coding style conforms to conventions agreed by the SOFA Review Board, and their functions, names and algorithms have been ratified by the Board. Procedures for soliciting and agreeing additions to the library are still evolving. At present the routines are all written in Fortran 77, complying with the ANSI standard (X3.9-1978) except in two respects: (1) All routine names are prefixed with the string "iau_". If necessary, the string can be removed globally; the result is correctly functioning code. (2) All routines include an IMPLICIT NONE statement. This can be removed without affecting the behaviour of the code. If the "iau_" string and/or the IMPLICIT NONE statements are removed globally, the resulting code is fully ANSI-compliant and is functionally unaffected. GENERAL PRINCIPLES The library consists mostly of routines which operate on ordinary Cartesian vectors (x,y,z) and 3x3 rotation matrices. However, there is also support for vectors which represent velocity as well as position and vectors which represent rotation instead of position. The vectors which represent both position and velocity may be considered still to have dimensions (3), but to comprise elements each of which is two numbers, representing the value itself and the time derivative. Thus: * "Position" or "p" vectors (or just plain 3-vectors) have dimension (3) in Fortran and [3] in C. * "Position/velocity" or "pv" vectors have dimensions (3,2) in Fortran and [2][3] in C. * "Rotation" or "r" matrices have dimensions (3,3) in Fortran and [3][3] in C. When used for rotation, they are "orthogonal"; the inverse of such a matrix is equal to the transpose. Most of the routines in this library do not assume that r-matrices are necessarily orthogonal and in fact work on any 3x3 matrix. * "Rotation" or "r" vectors have dimensions (3) in Fortran and [3] in C. Such vectors are a combination of the Euler axis and angle and are convertible to and from r-matrices. The direction is the axis of rotation and the magnitude is the angle of rotation, in radians. Because the amount of rotation can be scaled up and down simply by multiplying the vector by a scalar, r-vectors are useful for representing spins about an axis which is fixed. * The above rules mean that in terms of memory address, the three velocity components of a pv-vector follow the three position components. Application code is permitted to exploit this and all other knowledge of the internal layouts: that x, y and z appear in that order and are in a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system etc. For example, the cp function (copy a p-vector) can be used to copy the velocity component of a pv-vector (indeed, this is how the CPV routine is coded). * The routines provided do not completely fill the range of operations that link all the various vector and matrix options, but are confined to functions that are required by other parts of the SOFA software or which are likely to prove useful. In addition to the vector/matrix routines, the library contains some routines related to spherical angles, including conversions to and from sexagesimal format. Using the library requires knowledge of vector/matrix methods, spherical trigonometry, and methods of attitude representation. These topics are covered in many textbooks, including "Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control", James R. Wertz (ed.), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 73, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986. OPERATIONS INVOLVING P-VECTORS AND R-MATRICES Initialize ZP zero p-vector ZR initialize r-matrix to null IR initialize r-matrix to identity Copy/extend/extract CP copy p-vector CR copy r-matrix Build rotations RX rotate r-matrix about x RY rotate r-matrix about y RZ rotate r-matrix about z Spherical/Cartesian conversions S2C spherical to unit vector C2S unit vector to spherical S2P spherical to p-vector P2S p-vector to spherical Operations on vectors PPP p-vector plus p-vector PMP p-vector minus p-vector PPSP p-vector plus scaled p-vector PDP inner (=scalar=dot) product of two p-vectors PXP outer (=vector=cross) product of two p-vectors PM modulus of p-vector PN normalize p-vector returning modulus SXP multiply p-vector by scalar Operations on matrices RXR r-matrix multiply TR transpose r-matrix Matrix-vector products RXP product of r-matrix and p-vector TRXP product of transpose of r-matrix and p-vector Separation and position-angle SEPP angular separation from p-vectors SEPS angular separation from spherical coordinates PAP position-angle from p-vectors PAS position-angle from spherical coordinates Rotation vectors RV2M r-vector to r-matrix RM2V r-matrix to r-vector OPERATIONS INVOLVING PV-VECTORS Initialize ZPV zero pv-vector Copy/extend/extract CPV copy pv-vector P2PV append zero velocity to p-vector PV2P discard velocity component of pv-vector Spherical/Cartesian conversions S2PV spherical to pv-vector PV2S pv-vector to spherical Operations on vectors PVPPV pv-vector plus pv-vector PVMPV pv-vector minus pv-vector PVDPV inner (=scalar=dot) product of two pv-vectors PVXPV outer (=vector=cross) product of two pv-vectors PVM modulus of pv-vector SXPV multiply pv-vector by scalar S2XPV multiply pv-vector by two scalars PVU update pv-vector PVUP update pv-vector discarding velocity Matrix-vector products RXPV product of r-matrix and pv-vector TRXPV product of transpose of r-matrix and pv-vector OPERATIONS ON ANGLES ANP normalize radians to range 0 to 2pi ANPM normalize radians to range -pi to +pi A2TF decompose radians into hms A2AF decompose radians into d ' " D2TF decompose days into hms CALLS DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION iau_ANP ( A ) DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION iau_ANPM ( A ) SUBROUTINE iau_A2AF ( NDP, ANGLE, SIGN, IDMSF ) SUBROUTINE iau_A2TF ( NDP, ANGLE, SIGN, IHMSF ) SUBROUTINE iau_C2S ( P, THETA, PHI ) SUBROUTINE iau_CP ( P, C ) SUBROUTINE iau_CPV ( PV, C ) SUBROUTINE iau_CR ( R, C ) SUBROUTINE iau_D2TF ( NDP, DAYS, SIGN, IHMSF ) SUBROUTINE iau_IR ( R ) SUBROUTINE iau_P2PV ( P, PV ) SUBROUTINE iau_P2S ( P, THETA, PHI, R ) SUBROUTINE iau_PAP ( A, B, THETA ) SUBROUTINE iau_PAS ( AL, AP, BL, BP, THETA ) SUBROUTINE iau_PDP ( A, B, ADB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PM ( P, R ) SUBROUTINE iau_PMP ( A, B, AMB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PN ( P, R, U ) SUBROUTINE iau_PPP ( A, B, APB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PPSP ( A, S, B, APSB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PV2P ( PV, P ) SUBROUTINE iau_PV2S ( PV, THETA, PHI, R, TD, PD, RD ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVDPV ( A, B, ADB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVM ( PV, R, S ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVMPV ( A, B, AMB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVPPV ( A, B, APB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVU ( DT, PV, UPV ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVUP ( DT, PV, P ) SUBROUTINE iau_PVXPV ( A, B, AXB ) SUBROUTINE iau_PXP ( A, B, AXB ) SUBROUTINE iau_RM2V ( R, W ) SUBROUTINE iau_RV2M ( W, R ) SUBROUTINE iau_RX ( PHI, R ) SUBROUTINE iau_RXP ( R, P, RP ) SUBROUTINE iau_RXPV ( R, PV, RPV ) SUBROUTINE iau_RXR ( A, B, ATB ) SUBROUTINE iau_RY ( THETA, R ) SUBROUTINE iau_RZ ( PSI, R ) SUBROUTINE iau_S2C ( THETA, PHI, C ) SUBROUTINE iau_S2P ( THETA, PHI, R, P ) SUBROUTINE iau_S2PV ( THETA, PHI, R, TD, PD, RD, PV ) SUBROUTINE iau_S2XPV ( S1, S2, PV ) SUBROUTINE iau_SEPP ( A, B, S ) SUBROUTINE iau_SEPS ( AL, AP, BL, BP, S ) SUBROUTINE iau_SXP ( S, P, SP ) SUBROUTINE iau_SXPV ( S, PV, SPV ) SUBROUTINE iau_TR ( R, RT ) SUBROUTINE iau_TRXP ( R, P, TRP ) SUBROUTINE iau_TRXPV ( R, PV, TRPV ) SUBROUTINE iau_ZP ( P ) SUBROUTINE iau_ZPV ( PV ) SUBROUTINE iau_ZR ( R )